
All plans come with a free 14 day trial.


$29 /month *

3.000 IP checks / day
Detect VPNs, Proxys, TOR, Bots, Datacenters
IP Check API
Try for free


$49 /month *

10.000 IP checks / day
Detect VPNs, Proxys, TOR, Bots, Datacenters
IP Check API
Try for free


$89 /month *

25.000 IP checks / day
Detect VPNs, Proxys, TOR, Bots, Datacenters
IP Check API
Try for free


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1M+ IP checks / day
Full Offline Database Download
Custom file formats
Priority support
Contact us

* Prices do not include VAT or sales tax. Additional charges may be applied at checkout.

During our free 14 day trial period you enjoy access to all features, including our API (100 requests per day). You can cancel at any time during the trial period. After the trial period is over, you will be charged for the plan you selected.

After your preferred method of payment was charged, you will automatically receive an invoice at the start of each billing period. The invoice will include your billing details and any VAT if applicable.

If your organisation requires special payment or billing procedures, please contact us so we can find a solution that works for you.

We accept most major credit cards, debit cards and PayPal.

Payment via bank transfer (SEPA or SWIFT) is available upon request. We accept bank transfers in USD, EUR and GBP.

Annual or quarterly payment upfront is also available upon request. Please contact us for detailed instructions.

We know your API integration is important, so we don't cut off service immediately. If you exceed your plans daily request limit on a regular basis, we will get in touch with you to find a plan that suits your needs.

You can switch plans any time, just message the support team.

Not sure what plan is right for you?

If your organisation needs higher volumes or requires special billing procedures, please contact us so we can find a solution that works for you.

Get in touch